
When we have setbacks, what do we have in place to help us through that dip? 

Laura talks about the setback that ended her tennis playing journey in college. Keith wonders about what support and systems we can design to help us push forward after a setback, or “failure.” 

What is success anyway? 

With a project, a game, or anything you’re doing, if something’s uncomfortable or just not quite working, how do you simply say, “How could I modify this?” It can take time to shift and overcome setbacks. Sometimes, it’s simply showing up and taking the little steps before the big leap. 

So, if you’ve let something sit dormant for a while, it doesn’t matter. You can still go and do the thing that brings you joy. 

You don’t need to wait. Keep leaning in. 

“…A Light Heart Lives Long.” – William Shakespeare 

 “You must love and care for yourself, because that’s when the best comes out.” – Tina Turner

**Setbacks –  Episode 28**

Quote Cards

▾ Here are select works and resources we enjoy and find helpful ▾

● Brené Brown, Braving the Wilderness🎧📘

● Mateo Bornico, Create Belonging podcast🎙️🎧

● Mel Robbins, The 5 Second Rule 🎧📕

● Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist 🎧📗

● Seth Godin, This Is Marketing 🎧📙

● Seth Godin, Poke the Box 🎧📙

● Seth Godin, The Song of Significance🎧📘

● Rick Rubin, The Creative Act: A Way of Being🎧📘

● Tara Schuster, Buy Yourself the F*cking Lilies🎧📘

●  Fusebox the podcast hosting and player we use. 

Check it out! 💻

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