Are We There Yet?

This is more than a question. It’s a feeling. 

“Are we there yet?” applies to physical journeys and long-term life goals, aspirations and achievements. Whatever your resistance: doubt, impatience, lack of a clear vision for the future; these roadblocks can prevent you from starting. Keith and Laura both agree that taking the first step, beginning even if the plan or path is not entirely clear, is key to moving forward.

Laura designs and creates road maps. Her vision, clear direction, and ability to work a plan with defined milestones, ensures progress towards a well-defined destination. 

Keith enjoys flexibility, but can focus on the fear of what could go wrong. This stops him from even starting a project. For him it’s important to embrace the possibility of failure and learn from it. 

Keith and Laura both agree that taking the first step, beginning even if the plan or path is not entirely clear, is key to moving forward. We explore the benefits of both planning and flexibility. Emphasizing the importance of taking action and finding joy in the journey. After all, the unexpected delights and discoveries during a trip or project can be as rewarding, if not more than, the final destination. 

There’s no one-way to success. Whether you’re a planner or a go-with-the-flow kind of person, the key takeaway is to get moving and create the conditions to enjoy the ride! 

**Are We There Yet?  –  Episode 37**

Keith and Laura explore both planning and flexibility while taking actions to find joy in the journey towards their goals.

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The Women Who Made Us

Mother’s day is coming up. We are often thinking and wondering where we’re going. Facing forward, leaning in. 

But today, Keith and Laura take a look back, reflecting on who and where they come from, and the different lessons they’ve learned from both their moms and grandmas.

Here’s a special salute to the women who helped us become who we are and some stories and experiences that shaped us along the way. 

Mother’s Day ought to be more than once a year.

**The Women Who Made Us –  Episode 36**

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Unbuilding Blocks

Keith and Laura talk about their blocks. Blocks, the things Neal Brennan says make him “feel like something is wrong with me.” Neal had a whole Netflix comedy special about it and Keith has been watching and listening to his, Blocks Podcast.

We made lists of our blocks, noticed what was similar, different and of course acknowledge the importance of self-care and communication as keys to working through our blocks.

Thanks for joining us!

**Unbuilding Blocks –  Episode 35**


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Making Time for Us

This week Laura and Keith dive into what energizes and depletes them, in travel and on their journey together. 

We get on a roll when the discussion veers toward the grace and compassion we believe is integral to our relationship’s longevity. 

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Building Culture

It’s hard to see people unhappy and dissatisfied and frustrated with work  culture. When people feel stuck, how do we make the culture better, or help them engage in a practice to make the culture better.

Shifting culture that’s not working is complicated and hard. But, setting expectations and is crucial for a business, its employees, leadership and to its success.

Laura listened to a The Tim Ferriss Show podcast episode #730 with Reed Hastings,  co-founder of Netflix. They were talking about creating workplace culture, specifically about its importance.

Keith learns that a culture deck outlines a company’s values, expectations, and way of working. It’s a useful tool for creating a positive and transparent work environment, setting both employees and the organization up for success.

Most successful companies, collaborations, and relationships rely on trust and communication. Without building trust, there is difficulty being honest and communicating when it matters most. 

Thanks for joining us.

**Building Culture –  Episode 33**

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Don’t Wait to Make Beautiful Things

Don’t wait, work with what you have on your way to making it better. 

We can make beautiful things with the tools and skills we have now. Imposter syndrome, may be lurking in the shadows. It’s a signal to keep leaning in even when self doubt creeps up. 

Use that tension, between where you are and where you’re going, to catapult you to get better by doing. Then, simply ask yourself, what’s the next step? 

Thanks for joining us!

Don’t Wait to Make Beautiful Things –  Episode 19 

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▾ Here are select works and resources we enjoy and find helpful ▾

● Seth Godin, The Akimbo Podcast

● Bonnie Garmus, Lessons in Chemistry

● Billions, watch on Showtime

● Brian Koppelman, The Moment podcast

●  Fusebox the podcast hosting and player we use. Check it out! 💻

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Artificial Intelligence – A Work and Life Revolution

Keith just wanted to find some music to listen to while he wrote his morning pages. Before he knew it, he was chatting with his new friend Claude.

Laura joins the fun and talks about the ways she’s used AI and what she is seeing on the horizon. The AI genie is out of the bottle and it’s not going back in. You may be using AI and not even know it.  

Artificial Intelligence is shifting what it is we’re doing as a workforce. But, what does this mean for jobs that either haven’t been created yet or we haven’t conceptualized as this AI tool becomes more prevalent? 

Finding the right questions to help us utilize Artificial Intelligence and Large Language Model tools like ChatGPT,, and Google’s Gemini is going to be crucial moving forward. Knowing how to as the right questions to prompt these types of AI will give us better results and a better starting point to add our human touch to whatever cool new way we’ve discovered to use these time-saving tools. 

We are a long way from thumbing through the Card Catalog and scouring the stacks. 

Thanks for joining us.

**Artificial Intelligence – A Work and Life Revolution –  Episode 32**

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Prepare for Your Journey

Let’s create the conditions that help us do what we seek to do. And, let’s let go of those things that are no longer serving us. 

Grab your bag and get moving. It’s time to launch. 
Even if you don’t have it all figured out.

Keith feels a little unsettled, but optimistic. Uncertainty, right? Okay, but it feels like a shift is coming. Laura gets to talk about traveling and the uncertainty and adventure that comes with going on a journey. 

We’re balancing the adventure of “figuring it out as we go” and packing a little extra just incase. “You also don’t want to travel down to Indiana with a mattress on the top of your car.”

Thanks for joining us.

**Prepare for Your Journey –  Episode 31**

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Affiliate link: Fusebox the podcast hosting and player we use. 
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Appropriate Tension

Seth Godin asks lots of good questions. “Where Does the Water Go?” A question that many of us, have never thought about.

Friction, leverage, tension. How do we push ourselves forward? Keith and Laura have different approaches and reactions to tension and stress.

Keith navigates the pressure of leveling up by tuning in to the possibility of tension and being aware and noticing stress early, and adjusting.

Laura brings up intention and creating a plan and applying commitment week in and week out. She leans into the rigor of setting up routines, focusing on scheduling with intention to achieve her goals.

We are building the habit of creating tension on purpose, harnessing its power and using it to move forward.

A special thank you to Seth Godin. Thank you for being our first asynchronous guest. We appreciate your generosity and commitment to make things better. Thank you for all you do for us.

Do yourselves a favor and check out Seth Godin’s Blog, The Song of Significance, Akimbo Podcast, and if you are working to make a difference.

Keep leaning in.

**Appropriate Tension – Episode 30**

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What’s Your Hot Sauce? 

In today’s episode we start by discussing the GaryVee Audio Experience episode “How to Delegate and Balance Personal Involvement.” The big take away for Laura was when Gary brings up his Oyster Rule. This leads Laura to asks Keith some questions.

Have you ever said no before trying something? 
Has there been a time you tried something and realized that you liked it? Even though you expected to not?

For Keith, trying “the thing” is the point, simply trying something and seeing how it goes. Did it feel like it went well or it didn’t go well? Does it matter that it didn’t go well? Do I want to try it again? Making it have smaller stakes so that you can try and not get hung up on making mistakes and hesitating because, “I don’t want to be bad.” 

Laura ponders priorities and focus. “Where do we invest our time, and?” Wouldn’t it be easier sometimes to say, “No, not for me.” If it doesn’t fit into the big goals, the things we want to achieve. It’s also important to give yourself the permission to say, “if this isn’t for me and I actually don’t like this, I don’t have to be forced to continue to try it.”

What’s Your Hot Sauce?
What do you dash on your oysters to make them palatable?  

Share your tips and tricks that help you choose, Yes or No, as you keep leaning in to the next step forward.

**What’s Your Hot Sauce? –  Episode 29**

▾ Here are select works and resources we enjoy and find helpful ▾

● Curtis Sittenfeld, Romantic Comedy 🎧📕

● J. Ryan Straddle, Kitchens of the Great Midwest 🎧📕

● Robert M. Sapolsky, Determined: A Science of Life Without Free Will 🎧📘

● John Green, The Anthropocene Reviewed 🎧📙

● Marcus Aurelius, Meditations 🎧📘

● Brené Brown, Braving the Wilderness 🎧📘

● Mateo Bornico, Create Belonging podcast
– 🎙️🎧

● Mel Robbins, 5 Rules of Money Podcast 🎧

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Welcome to In Residence with Keith and Laura. We are creatives and makers at heart, seeking to make change, create culture and build relationships for ourselves and people like us who choose to show up and dig a little deeper. Join us as we grow in our partnership, as individuals, and connect ideas through conversation In Residence.