Make the choice.
Continue to show up.
Keep the streak going.
Category: Blog
Another one.
Chop the wood, carry the water.
The practice is the point.
Do the work.
Sunk costs, gifts–depends on your mindset.
Find a good design partner.
A suggestion to consider in many facets of life.
It’s in your eyes
Make it effortless.
“You think it’s over now, but we’ve only just begun…
You think it’s over now, but this is only the beginning.” –E.C.
Plan, Purpose, Persevere.
Measure, Make, Mingle.
Connect, Create, Cut.
Breathe, Build, Break.
Reflect, Repeat, Refine.
Create intentional action
Who’s it for?
People like us.
What’s it for?
People who do things like this.
What change do I seek to make?
To make things better by making better things.
What is the soundtrack of the change you seek to make?
What can you recover from?
Greg McKeown prescribes to not do more in a day
than you can recover from in that day.
Sometimes dishes and laundry are enough.
There will be change
What kind of team do you want when the next problem arrives?
Efficient processes scale, but can lead to a lack of diversity.
It can be argued that less diverse systems can produce more.
And, a diverse team leverages variety in skills and alternative perspectives.
How much, and what, are you willing to sacrifice to be the most at something?