What Grows Together Goes Together

Keith and Laura dive into the age-old saying “what grows together, goes together,” applying this gardening wisdom to the realm of relationships. 

Our shared passion for learning and personal growth has been a cornerstone of our partnership. However, we must acknowledging the challenges that come with evolving together and the delicate balance of growing as individuals within a relationship. We cannot emphasize enough, the importance of communication, self-awareness, and a willingness to change and adapt.

We share personal strategies for dealing with uncomfortable growth, such as reflection, reframing, and clearly identifying goals. Laura introduces the idea of growing apart and the role of proximity in relationships. Keith notes that while physical closeness is important, modern technology has reshaped long-distance connections, opening up new possibilities for maintaining relationships across distances.

Laura’s approach to having difficult conversations, framing them as giving a “gift” of honesty and clarity to the other person is powerful for any relationship. Whether you’re in a romantic partnership, a close friendship, or simply on a journey of self-improvement, we’re here navigating the complexities of long-term relationships and personal development.

How do you handle growth and change in your relationships? What strategies have you found helpful? We’d love to hear your thoughts.

Thanks for Joining Us. 

**What Grows Together Goes Together** –  Episode 45

Keith and Laura discuss relationships and personal growth. 


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Navigating Work, Relationships and Personal Growth

Keith and Laura discuss viewing life holistically rather than as separate segments. They explore the idea of creating a “recipe” for a fulfilling life, with various aspects serving as ingredients; work, family, hobbies, relationships, etc.

Our conversation emphasizes the importance of self-awareness, reframing perspectives, developing tools and leveling up skills to navigate life’s challenges. As we explore the idea of helping others find their own path to a fulfilling life, we acknowledge that we don’t have all the answers. But, we are determined to be curious as we keep moving forward to better understand our goals. 

Morning routines, journaling, and other practices help Laura and Keith manage stress and stay focused. The importance of balancing personal time and shared experiences in their relationships is key, especially the challenges of managing work-life balance as parents.

Moving in between the components of life is the hard work. Work that is worth doing on our way to living a robust, fulfilling, and meaningful life. Keep exploring what

Navigating Work, Relationships and Personal Growth


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**Navigating Work, Relationships and Personal Growth** –  Episode 44

Books, Podcasts, and TV Shows – A Mixed Tape Session 3

Laura and Keith dive into the world of storytelling and share their top entertainment picks. Laura reveals insights from her experience in a PhD-level storytelling class. Keith wants to lean into telling inspiring stories worth sharing. 

Keith and Laura share recommendations for books, podcasts, and TV shows, while also touching on the importance of storytelling in content consumption and creation.

Whether you’re looking for your next binge-worthy show, a captivating book, or a new podcast to dive into, join Keith and Laura as they explore the interconnected world of media and share how they discover new content and stories through recommendations and personal connections.

Tune in for an entertaining discussion that will expand your media horizons and maybe even inspire you to tell your own stories more effectively.

Thanks for Joining Us. 

**Books, Podcasts, and TV Shows – A Mixed Tape – Session 3** –  Episode 43


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Acknowledge and Celebrate Wins

Keith and Laura discuss slowing down so they can recognize,  acknowledge and celebrate wins, both big and small. 

Laura likes to celebrate. She wants to focus on pausing after a project is completed to acknowledge and recognize people’s work. Keith enjoys downtime and relaxation after a project is finished, but doesn’t find himself pulled towards celebrating–something for him to explore.

Celebrating accomplishments is important in both personal and professional relationships. Understanding people’s expectations and celebration styles will lead to better, more balance experiences , and success. Investing in supportive and reflective practices fosters relationships that thrive.

Laura and Keith have different styles and expectations for celebration. But, they can both agree on the importance of acknowledging accomplishments. Investing in communication, managing expectations and celebrating authentically is crucial in their relationship(s). 

Keep making time and space for your team to celebrate. 
Again, Slow down and recognize wins.

Thanks for Joining Us. 

**Acknowledge and Celebrate Wins –  Episode 42**


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● Kindra Hall, The Story Edge: How Leaders Harness Power Stories to Win in Business

● Paul Scheer, Joyful Recollections of Trauma

● Dixit Board Game, Storytelling Game for Kids & Adults

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Is this Marketing, Serving and Selling?

Keith and Laura discuss the marketing insights in Seth Godin’s “This is Marketing” and Gary Vaynerchuk’s “Day Trading Attention.” We consider marketing, brand identity, and social media. The strategy and tactics from the books can be leveraged to grow a business, brand and audience. 

Laura dove into Seth Godin’s “This is Marketing” and Gary Vaynerchuk’s “Day Trading Attention.” Both authors emphasize the importance of understanding your audience and have a similar core message. Identifying a specific audience and tailoring your message to resonate with them. 

Social media is important for brand building, but brand reputation is built through all our actions and interactions, not just online presence. As Laura points out from “This is Marketing,” people will remember what you did. They won’t remember what you said. 

Keith feels strongly that it’s about more than just getting attention; it’s about connecting with people and helping them get where they are seeking to go. Or, put another way, people will remember how you made them feel, not just what you said.

Marketing is storytelling. Let’s keep leaning in to learning and discovering how to communicate better, to serve others, and make the change we seek to make. 

Marketing with Keith and Laura

**Is this Marketing, Serving and Selling? –  Episode 41**


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What’s the Plan? Maintain a Healthy Relationship

Keith and Laura’s conversation highlights the importance of awareness, communication, and planning in maintaining a healthy relationship.

We listened to a podcast conversation with Brené Brown and Tim Ferriss. Brené talked about the importance of checking in with her partner around their energy levels. They implement a plan when their combined energy is low, so they can keep moving.

Communication continues to come up. When navigating situations where one or more of us are feeling depleted, it’s crucial that we have a plan and focus on being open and vulnerable. Listening carefully to each other is as important as speaking up when we are feeling low energy. 

Thanks for joining us. 

Keith & Laura


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**What’s the Plan?  –  Episode 40**

Sensitive, Independent Partners and Friends

Was our relationship forged in hardship? Keith and Laura are sensitive, independent partners and friends. 

How did we make it this long in our relationship? We are both fairly sensitive. And, even though we both know that we love each other so much, and we never intentionally try to say the thing that’s going to be taken the wrong way, it happens.

We keep searching to better understand each other. Communication, curiosity and feedback are so important to us as we continue to learn better ways to support and show up for each other.

Keith and Laura


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**Sensitive, Independent Partners and Friends –  Episode 38**

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▾ Here are select works and resources we enjoy and find helpful ▾

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Are We There Yet?

This is more than a question. It’s a feeling. 

“Are we there yet?” applies to physical journeys and long-term life goals, aspirations and achievements. Whatever your resistance: doubt, impatience, lack of a clear vision for the future; these roadblocks can prevent you from starting. Keith and Laura both agree that taking the first step, beginning even if the plan or path is not entirely clear, is key to moving forward.

Laura designs and creates road maps. Her vision, clear direction, and ability to work a plan with defined milestones, ensures progress towards a well-defined destination. 

Keith enjoys flexibility, but can focus on the fear of what could go wrong. This stops him from even starting a project. For him it’s important to embrace the possibility of failure and learn from it. 

Keith and Laura both agree that taking the first step, beginning even if the plan or path is not entirely clear, is key to moving forward. We explore the benefits of both planning and flexibility. Emphasizing the importance of taking action and finding joy in the journey. After all, the unexpected delights and discoveries during a trip or project can be as rewarding, if not more than, the final destination. 

There’s no one-way to success. Whether you’re a planner or a go-with-the-flow kind of person, the key takeaway is to get moving and create the conditions to enjoy the ride! 

**Are We There Yet?  –  Episode 37**

Keith and Laura explore both planning and flexibility while taking actions to find joy in the journey towards their goals.

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The Women Who Made Us

Mother’s day is coming up. We are often thinking and wondering where we’re going. Facing forward, leaning in. 

But today, Keith and Laura take a look back, reflecting on who and where they come from, and the different lessons they’ve learned from both their moms and grandmas.

Here’s a special salute to the women who helped us become who we are and some stories and experiences that shaped us along the way. 

Mother’s Day ought to be more than once a year.

**The Women Who Made Us –  Episode 36**

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Unbuilding Blocks

Keith and Laura talk about their blocks. Blocks, the things Neal Brennan says make him “feel like something is wrong with me.” Neal had a whole Netflix comedy special about it and Keith has been watching and listening to his, Blocks Podcast.

We made lists of our blocks, noticed what was similar, different and of course acknowledge the importance of self-care and communication as keys to working through our blocks.

Thanks for joining us!

**Unbuilding Blocks –  Episode 35**


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