I’m Lost

On our journey, as we’re growing, as we’re learning, not everything happens the way we plan or expect. 

In this episode, we talk about what it feels like to be lost, what tensions we notice and attend to as we find our way forward, and how to potentially get back on track. If we don’t course correct, we likely keep going, going, going in a circles. 

What’s important and essential when you feel stuck or lost? 

Keith and Laura focus the discussion around ideas that bubbled up as they listened to Greg McKeown’s latest visit to The Tim Ferriss Show. You may have heard of McKeown’s books Effortless and Essentialism.

We also watched the documentary Stutz, a documentary on Netflix about psychiatrist, Phil Stutz, his tools, and relation ship with actor Jonah Hill.

Thanks for joining us as we look for a way to get from here to there, wherever that may be.

**I’m Lost –  Episode 25**

All the Links: https://linktr.ee/makecreatebuild

▾ Here are select works and resources we enjoy and find helpful ▾

● Greg McKeown,  Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less 🎧📕

● Greg McKeown, Effortless: Make It Easier to Do What Matters Most 🎧📘

● Stutz on Netflix – 🍿📺

● Maslow’s forgotten pinnacle: Self-transcendence 

● Nichol Bradford, Big Think 
 Humanity’s Greatest Challenges Aren’t Technical – They’re Human 

● Mel Robbins, The 5 Second Rule 🎧📙 

● Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist 🎧📙 

● Seth Godin, This Is Marketing 🎧📙

● Seth Godin, Poke the Box 🎧📙

● Seth Godin, The Song of Significance🎧📘

● Rick Rubin, The Creative Act: A Way of Being🎧📘

● Tara Schuster, Buy Yourself the F*cking Lilies 🎧📘

● Marie Forleo, Everything Is Figureoutable 🎧📙

●  Fusebox the podcast hosting and player we use. Check it out! 💻

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