Winning, Losing and Playing the Game

Keith and Laura delve into the nuanced world of sportsmanship, offering their thoughts on winning, losing, and the personal growth that can come with either experience. 

While listening to Seth Godin’s Akimbo podcast, Keith was reminded of a lesson learned in youth hockey. When his team was significantly ahead, the coach’s crucial lesson of working on skill development over running up the score, spoke directly to the question Seth was asking on his podcast: What’s the purpose of sports, especially in school settings?

Laura talks about competing and more specifically how losing, can create drive and an ability to endure difficulties. Showing up, even when the odds of winning are low, like a parent-child tennis tournament, can create an opportunity to learn, improve, and grow. Facing adversity through competition can build resilience that serves us beyond beyond sports and games.

Competition isn’t just about winning; it’s about growth and improvement. While it’s natural to celebrate wins, it’s equally important to acknowledge and learn from losses. Maintaining equilibrium, in both victory and defeat, fosters resilience and character development, preparing individuals for the ups and downs of life.

Laura and Keith both agree on the importance of maintaining a balanced approach to competition. Using both victory and defeat as opportunities for personal growth and character development, we can build resilience that extends beyond sports and games and apply it to various aspects of our life.

Recommendations for further learning, including a Mel Robbins podcast episode and Seth Godin’s upcoming book “This is Strategy.” 

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In Residence with Keith and Laura | Winning, Losing and Playing the Game –  Episode 054


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The Art of Patience

Keith and Laura explore how patience can profoundly impact various aspects of their lives.

This episode is a blend of practical wisdom and emotional resonance for those seeking to cultivate greater patience and balance in their lives. Intentional moments of stillness can create tension, drama, and ultimately, a more impactful and fulfilling experience.

Keith is determined to develop the skill of pivoting between  patience and ambition. His tendencies towards perfectionism and hesitation highlight how we can all strive to be more patient with ourselves, acknowledging our limitations while also pushing ourselves to grow and achieve our goals.

Laura notes how she and Keith have different ways of approaching processes. Laura is “more patient with people than the process.” She knows that rushing the process can lead to suboptimal results. Making time and allowing for processes to unfold naturally in our personal and professional endeavors can lead to better outcomes.

Embrace the beauty of the pause. It’s never too late to start a project, confront obstacles, pushing through setbacks, and ultimately complete your goal.

Remember, the true power of patience lies not in passivity, but in the intentional, purposeful navigation of our personal and professional journeys. By learning to slow down, reflect, and trust the process, we can unlock our full potential and create meaningful, lasting change.

In Residence with Keith and Laura, Episode – 051

Keith and Laura’s key take aways:

● Communicate and set clear expectations to avoid frustration.

● Persisting through the challenges of a daunting task can cultivate fulfillment.

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    Stories We Tell Ourselves

    Keith and Laura dive into the powerful impact of the stories we tell ourselves.

    We all have stories we tell ourselves–some empowering, others limiting. Keith and Laura emphasize the importance of awareness, catching negative self-talk, and questioning the validity and usefulness of these narratives.

    A key takeaway is the concept of agency. We have the power to change our stories and, consequently, our lives. Laura and Keith share personal examples of overcoming self-doubt, highlighting the transformative effect of small, consistent steps towards growth.

    The conversation also touches on valuable tools for self-reflection, such as journaling and asking probing questions. These practices can help uncover underlying beliefs and motivations, paving the way for positive change.

    Laura shares a personal breakthrough of sharing about their podcast on social media, demonstrating how small actions can challenge limiting beliefs. Keith underscores the importance of community and support in personal growth journeys. Keith and Laura’s candid sharing illustrates how vulnerability and openness can not only foster personal development but also inspire and help others.

    For listeners looking to delve deeper into this topic, the hosts recommend “Choose Your Story, Change Your Life” by Kindra Hall, a book that provides practical strategies for rewriting personal narratives.

    Overall, this episode serves as a powerful reminder that we are the authors of our own stories. By becoming aware of our internal dialogues and actively choosing empowering narratives, we can unlock our full potential and create the lives we truly desire.

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    In Residence with Keith and Laura

    **Stories We Tell Ourselves** –  Episode 050

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    Finding Resilience

    Keith and Laura explore how resilience shapes their personal and professional lives.

    Many of us struggle with the fear of the unknown, but there is value in embracing uncertainty. Stepping out of our comfort zones can lead to tremendous growth.

    Unexpected obstacles often force us to reassess our goals and strategies. Keith posits that “grace” is key to bouncing back when facing challenges. Laura’s self-care practice helps her overcome stressors. We both incorporate tools to maintain a positive outlook while adapting to change.

    While it’s essential to pursue our goals with determination, it’s equally important to recognize our limits and take time for rest and rejuvenation. We explore the balance between ambition and self-care. It’s crucial for maintaining long-term resilience and avoiding burnout.

    The concept of “micro-resilience”–the everyday acts of perseverance that build our overall resilience–reveals itself. Acquire various tools to support a more resilient mindset, and acknowledge challenging experiences, can transform setbacks into opportunities. 

    Minimizing our struggles is not the point. And, we are often more capable than we know. Resilience is not about avoiding difficulties. It’s about developing the strength and flexibility to overcome them. By nurturing our resilience with grace and compassion, we can lead more fulfilling lives and achieve our goals, even in the face of adversity.

    Building resilience is a journey, not a destination. Embrace the challenges, learn from your experiences, and keep moving forward.

    *In Residence with Keith and Laura*
    **Finding Resilience** –  Episode 048

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    Turning Regret into Growth

    Keith and Laura dive into the complex relationship between worry, regret, and personal growth.

    After last week’s recording, Laura mentioned the idea of “spending less time worrying and more time going after what we want.” This idea stuck with Keith, and drawing inspiration from Daniel H. Pink’s book “The Power of Regret,” they explore how worry and regret can be leveraged for positive growth and change.

    We focus on adopting a “journey mindset,” reframing regrets as opportunities, and recognizing that growth is an ongoing process rather than a destination. Instead of letting past mistakes hold us back, we can use them as stepping stones to better decision-making and personal development.

    Both Laura and Keith harness the powerful tool of journaling for processing thoughts and emotions. Keith shares his unique journaling framework, focusing on four key areas: shadow, environment, light, and focus (SELF). This structured approach helps provide clarity and direction when journaling, or facing challenges and uncertainty. When Laura journals, she asks herself, “what does my soul need to hear today?” and her pen flows.

    We also touch on the power of normalizing difficult emotions by recognizing that others face similar challenges. Pink’s emphasis on self-disclosure through writing or speaking with others was Keith’s biggest takeaway from “The Power of Regret.” Laura highlights the crucial role of support networks in personal and professional growth. Whether it’s mentors, colleagues, or friends, having people to turn to for advice and perspective can make a significant difference in navigating difficult situations and overcoming self-doubt.

    Everyone is on their own journey. By embracing our regrets, seeking support, and maintaining a growth mindset, we can turn our most challenging experiences into opportunities to keep leaning in like the leaders we are, on the journey we want.

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    **Turning Regret into Growth** –  Episode 047

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    **Turning Regret into Growth** –  Episode 047

    What Grows Together Goes Together

    Keith and Laura dive into the age-old saying “what grows together, goes together,” applying this gardening wisdom to the realm of relationships. 

    Our shared passion for learning and personal growth has been a cornerstone of our partnership. However, we must acknowledging the challenges that come with evolving together and the delicate balance of growing as individuals within a relationship. We cannot emphasize enough, the importance of communication, self-awareness, and a willingness to change and adapt.

    We share personal strategies for dealing with uncomfortable growth, such as reflection, reframing, and clearly identifying goals. Laura introduces the idea of growing apart and the role of proximity in relationships. Keith notes that while physical closeness is important, modern technology has reshaped long-distance connections, opening up new possibilities for maintaining relationships across distances.

    Laura’s approach to having difficult conversations, framing them as giving a “gift” of honesty and clarity to the other person is powerful for any relationship. Whether you’re in a romantic partnership, a close friendship, or simply on a journey of self-improvement, we’re here navigating the complexities of long-term relationships and personal development.

    How do you handle growth and change in your relationships? What strategies have you found helpful? We’d love to hear your thoughts.

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    **What Grows Together Goes Together** –  Episode 45

    Keith and Laura discuss relationships and personal growth. 

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